H8QM3-2/H8QMi-2 User's Manual
Checkpoint Code Description
86h The password was checked. Performing any required programming before WIN-
BIOS Setup next.
87h The programming before WINBIOS Setup has completed. Uncompressing the
WINBIOS Setup code and executing the AMIBIOS Setup or WINBIOS Setup utility
88h Returned from WINBIOS Setup and cleared the screen. Performing any necessary
programming after WINBIOS Setup next.
89h The programming after WINBIOS Setup has completed. Displaying the power on
screen message next.
8Ch Programming the WINBIOS Setup options next.
8Dh The WINBIOS Setup options are programmed. Resetting the hard disk controller
8Fh The hard disk controller has been reset. Confi guring the fl oppy drive controller
91h The fl oppy drive controller has been confi gured. Confi guring the hard disk drive
controller next.
95h Initializing the bus option ROMs from C800 next. See the last page of this chapter
for additional information.
96h Initializing before passing control to the adaptor ROM at C800.
97h Initialization before the C800 adaptor ROM gains control has completed. The adap-
tor ROM check is next.
98h The adaptor ROM had control and has now returned control to BIOS POST. Perform-
ing any required processing after the option ROM returned control.
99h Any initialization required after the option ROM test has completed. Confi guring the
timer data area and printer base address next.
9Ah Set the timer and printer base addresses. Setting the RS-232 base address next.
9Bh Returned after setting the RS-232 base address. Performing any required initializa-
tion before the Coprocessor test next.
9Ch Required initialization before the Coprocessor test is over. Initializing the Coproces-
sor next.
9Dh Coprocessor initialized. Performing any required initialization after the Coproces-
sor test next.
9Eh Initialization after the Coprocessor test is complete. Checking the extended keyboard,
keyboard ID, and Num Lock key next. Issuing the keyboard ID command next.
A2h Displaying any soft errors next.
A3h The soft error display has completed. Setting the keyboard typematic rate next.
A4h The keyboard typematic rate is set. Programming the memory wait states next.
A5h Memory wait state programming is over. Clearing the screen and enabling parity
and the NMI next.
A7h NMI and parity enabled. Performing any initialization required before passing control
to the adaptor ROM at E000 next.
A8h Initialization before passing control to the adaptor ROM at E000h completed. Passing
control to the adaptor ROM at E000h next.