More features

To resetContprofilesnts}Settings } the General tab } Profiles } More}Reset profiles.

TimeGettiandg dateo know your phone 4 The timeKeyis functions,always displayedys,quick k inenteringstandbyletters. and characters.

To set the time } Settings } the General tab

}TimePersonaliz& date } Timeng.youEnterphonethe time22} Save.

To setDownloadthe timesettingsformator}chFormatose fromandtheselectphonean. option.

To setCallingthe date31and date format } Settings

}theUsGeneralthe Phonebook,tab } Timevoice& datecontrol,} Datecall.options.

SIM cardMessaginglock51

Multimedia messaging, chat and e-mail.

The SIM card lock protects your subscription, but

not the phone itself, from unauthorized use. If you

Camera 60

change SIM cards, your phone still works with the Use the camera.

new SIM card.

Most SIM cards are locked at the time of

Setting up WAP and e-mail 63 purchase. If the SIM card lock is on, you have to

All you need to know about setting up WAP and e-mail. enter a PIN (Personal Identity Number) every time

you turnUsingon yourWAPphone71.

If youWAPenterbrowser,your PINbookmarksincorrectly. three times in a row, the SIM card is blocked. This is indicated by

the message PIN blocked. To unblock it, you need to enter your PUK (Personal Unblocking Key).

Your PIN and PUK are suppliedSonby Ericssonyour network T61 operator. You can edit your PIN and select a new

four- to eight-digit PIN.

If the message Codes do not match appears when you

edit yourTransferriPIN, you enteredg andtheexchangingnew PIN incorrectlyformation. 7

If the messageBluetoothWrongwirelessPIN appears,chnology,t followedsynchronizationby Old PIN:. , you entered your old PIN incorrectly.

More features 79

To unblockCa endar, yourmala clock,SIMstopwcardtch, timer, games.

1When PIN blocked appears, enter your PUK

} OKSecurity. 87

2EnterSIMacardnewlock,fourphone- to eightlock-.digit PIN } OK.

3Re-enter the new PIN to confirm } OK.

Troubleshooting 89

To editWhyyourdoesn’tPINthe phone work the way I want?

1 } Settings } the General tab } LocksAdditional information 91 } SIM lock } Change PIN.

2 Safe and efficient use, warranty, declaration of conformity. Enter your PIN } OK.

3 Enter a new four- to eight-digit PIN } OK.

Icons 98

4 Re-WhatenterdothehenewiconsPINmean?to confirm } OK.

To turnI dexthe105SIM card lock on or off1} Settings } the General tab } Locks} SIM lock } Protection and select On or Off.

2Enter your PIN } OK.




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