Swann 105 warranty HelpDesk/SupportDetails, Warranty Information

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Warranty Information

Swann￿Communications￿warrants￿this￿product￿against￿defects￿in￿workmanship￿and￿material for￿a￿period￿of￿one￿(1)￿year￿from￿it’s￿original￿purchase￿date. You￿must￿present￿your￿receipt as￿proof￿of￿date￿of￿purchase￿for￿warranty￿validation. Any￿unit￿which￿proves￿defective￿during the￿stated￿period￿will￿be￿repaired￿without￿charge￿for￿parts￿or￿labour￿or￿replaced￿at￿the￿sole discretion￿of￿Swann. The￿repair￿or￿replacement￿will￿be￿warranted￿for￿either￿ninety￿days￿or the￿remainder￿of￿the￿original￿one￿year￿warranty￿period,￿whichever￿is￿longer. The￿end￿user￿is responsible￿for￿all￿freight￿charges￿incurred￿to￿send￿the product to￿Swann’s￿repair￿centres. The￿end￿user￿is￿responsible￿for￿all￿shipping￿costs￿incurred￿when shipping￿from￿and￿to￿any country￿other￿than￿the￿country￿of￿origin. The￿warranty￿does￿not￿cover￿any￿incidental, accidental￿or￿consequential￿damages￿arising￿from￿the￿use￿of￿or￿the￿inability￿to￿use￿this product. Any￿costs￿associated￿with￿the￿fitting￿or￿removal￿of￿this￿product￿by￿a￿tradesman￿or other￿person￿or￿any￿other￿costs￿associated￿with￿its￿use￿are￿the￿responsibility￿of￿the￿end user. This￿warranty￿applies￿to￿the￿original￿purchaser￿of￿the product only￿and￿is￿not transferrable￿to￿any￿third￿party.












Contact￿the￿Swann￿Helpdesk￿using￿our￿fast￿e-mail￿service tech@swann.com.au or￿call￿us￿on￿one￿of￿the Toll-Free numbers￿shown￿on￿the￿back￿cover￿of￿this￿booklet.

Most￿problems￿can￿be￿quickly￿and￿easily￿fixed￿with￿a simple￿e-mail￿or￿a￿quick￿chat￿with￿one￿of￿our￿friendly technical￿staff.￿(Toll-Free￿available￿in￿the￿US, Australia￿and￿New￿Zealand￿only)

Installation Guide

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Swann 105 warranty HelpDesk/SupportDetails, Warranty Information, Orabuseofthedevicewillrenderallwarrantiesvoid

105 specifications

The Swann 105 is a cutting-edge security camera designed for both residential and commercial surveillance. Recognized for its exceptional performance and user-friendly design, the Swann 105 is a significant addition to modern security solutions.

One of the standout features of the Swann 105 is its high-definition video quality. The camera offers 1080p Full HD resolution, ensuring that images captured are crisp, clear, and detailed. This level of clarity is vital for identifying faces, license plates, and other critical details in security situations. The Swann 105 also includes advanced night vision capabilities, allowing it to capture high-quality footage even in low-light conditions. Its infrared LEDs enable visibility up to 30 meters at night, ensuring comprehensive coverage around the clock.

Another defining characteristic of the Swann 105 is its weatherproof design. Built to endure harsh weather conditions, the camera is rated IP66 for water and dust resistance. This makes it suitable for outdoor use, protecting it from rain, snow, and dirt, thus ensuring consistent performance in various environments.

In terms of installation, the Swann 105 offers enhanced flexibility. It supports both wired and wireless connectivity, enabling users to choose the optimal setup for their needs. The camera can be connected to a network via Wi-Fi, allowing for easy placement and re-positioning, or can use an Ethernet connection for a stable, reliable link.

The Swann 105 integrates seamlessly with smart home systems, supporting various platforms for easy control and monitoring through smartphones and tablets. With the Swann Security app, users can receive real-time alerts, watch live feeds, and access recorded footage from anywhere, providing peace of mind whether at home or away.

Additionally, the camera features motion detection technology, which triggers recordings and alerts when motion is detected within its field of view. This functionality ensures that critical events are logged, providing a reliable security solution.

Overall, the Swann 105 stands out due to its combination of high-definition video quality, weatherproof durability, versatile installation options, and smart technology integration. These features make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their security system.