ADWTM Digital Wireless Security cameras
Advanced Digital WirelessTM
Easy-to-use wireless security kit with zero interference!
February 2009
Product Review
“We were astounded at the difference between this and
previous models”.
“The camera worked flawlessly through several walls”
“Excellent signal transmission and far superior range
compared to most”.
380 good video quality 1/4” CMOS 380 TV lines
up to 165ft 50m
wireless transmission
26ft 8m
superior night vision
weather resistant robust metal casing
easily connects to your TV & DVR
At last a range of Wireless security solutions that you can depend on. Introducing Swann’s
•Clearer picture, better sound, every time
•Zero interference from Bluetooth, web routers, microwave ovens, cordless phones etc, and is truly
•100% privacy from a secure, encrypted
•Create your own digital wireless security system
•Perfect for professional uses & DVRS with motion detection
•Installing wireless security has never been easier, just plug and play
For more information visit www.swannsecurity.com