
Do￿not￿operate￿your￿splitter￿in￿poor￿mechanical￿condition￿or￿when￿needing￿repair.￿￿Repair￿and￿ replace￿worn￿or￿broken￿parts￿immediately.￿




The￿hydraulic￿system￿of￿your￿log￿splitter￿requires￿careful￿inspection,￿along￿with￿the￿mechanical￿ parts.￿￿Be￿sure￿to￿replace￿frayed,￿kinked,￿or￿otherwise￿damaged￿hydraulic￿components.￿


The￿pressure￿relief￿valve￿on￿the￿splitter￿is￿preset￿at￿the￿factory.￿￿Do￿not￿adjust￿valve.￿￿Only￿a￿ qualified￿service￿technician￿should￿perform￿this￿adjustment.￿


If￿the￿wedge￿becomes￿dull￿or￿nicked,￿it￿can￿be￿removed￿and￿sharpened.￿￿The￿wedge￿is￿heavy￿and￿ may￿still￿have￿sharp￿edges,￿wear￿gloves￿while￿handling￿the￿wedge.￿




Your￿Swisher￿Log￿Splitter￿has￿been￿produced￿with￿components￿designed￿specifically￿to￿this￿ machine.￿￿Although￿standard￿springs,￿hardware,￿etc.￿may￿look￿similar￿to￿parts￿used￿on￿other￿ machinery,￿they￿may￿in￿some￿cases￿be￿made￿of￿a￿different￿construction￿and/or￿materials.￿






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Swisher LS728C, LS10528C manual Periodicallytightennuts,bolts,andhydraulicfittings, Repairparts

LS728C, LS10528C specifications

Swisher LS728C and LS10528C are two robust and powerful land clearing machines engineered for exceptional performance in various terrain conditions. Designed with innovation and ease of use in mind, these machines are ideal for landscaping, forestry, and agricultural applications.

The Swisher LS728C model features a 28-inch cutting width and is equipped with a reliable 14.5 horsepower engine. Its heavy-duty steel frame guarantees durability, while the hydrostatic transmission provides smooth operation and effortless maneuverability. The LS728C is designed with user comfort in mind, featuring an oversized seat and adjustable controls, allowing operators to work for extended periods without fatigue. One of its standout features is the front-mounted mower deck, which allows for unmatched visibility and precision cutting even in challenging areas.

On the other hand, the LS10528C model takes power and efficiency to the next level. With a wider 28-inch cutting path and a formidable 22 horsepower engine, it is capable of tackling tougher jobs with ease. This machine also comes equipped with a patented pivoting mower deck, allowing it to follow the terrain's contours closely, which is particularly useful for uneven ground. The LS10528C features an improved cutting height adjustment system, allowing users to customize the mowing height quickly and adapt to different grass types and conditions.

Both models utilize advanced cutting technologies that enhance performance. The double blade system in both mowers ensures a clean cut and efficient grass processing, which improves mulching capabilities. This technology reduces the need for bagging clippings and helps promote healthier turf growth.

The ease of maintenance is another significant advantage of the Swisher LS728C and LS10528C. They are designed with easy-access points for quick oil changes and regular upkeep, minimizing downtime for users.

In summary, the Swisher LS728C and LS10528C are exceptional machines that combine power, efficiency, and user-friendly features. Whether you are clearing land, mowing, or maintaining your landscape, these models are built to deliver impressive performance and reliability, ensuring that your outdoor projects are completed with precision and ease.