LS 3603 Product Reference Guide
AimingScan the Entire Symbol
•Your scan beam must cross every bar and space on the symbol.
•The larger the symbol, the farther away you should hold the scanner.
•Hold the scanner closer for symbols with bars that are close together.
•A short, high tone beep indicates a good decode.
Hold at an Angle
Do not hold the scanner directly over the bar code. In this position, light can
bounce back into the scanner's exit window and prevent a successful decode.
Problems See What If... on page 1-13.
Beeper DefinitionsThe beeper in the unit provides a variety of messages. See Beeper Indications
beginning on page 2-19
Programming the SystemAn LS 3603 is programmed by scanning sequences of bar codes; consult
Chapter 2.
012345 012345