PPT 8800
To show or hide the input panel, tap the Input Panel button. Tap the
arrow next to this button to view input methods.
When you use the input panel, your terminal anticipates the word
you are typing or writing and displays it above the input panel.
When you tap the displayed word, it is inserted into your text at the
insertion point. The more you use your terminal, the more words it
learns to anticipate. Refer to the PPT 8800 with Windows Mobile
2003 Software for Pocket PCs Product Reference Guide for more
Initiating a Network ConnectionBefore using the PPT8846, PPT 8860 or PPT 8866 terminal, set
up the Spectrum24 network and/or Bluetooth connection. Refer to
the PPT 8800 with Windows Mobile 2003 Software for Pocket PCs
Product Reference Guide for setup instructions.
ScanningThe terminal has an integrated scanner which collects data by
scanning bar codes. Refer to the PPT 8800 with Windows Mobile
2003 Software for Pocket PCs Product Reference Guide for
information on configuring your terminal for scanning.
To scan bar codes:
1. Launch a scanning enabled application.
2. Aim the scanner at the bar code.
Select an input method
Tap to see your choices
Select input method setting
Input Panel button