Quick Reference
We, SymbolTechnologies, Inc.
of OneSymbol Plaza, Holtsville, NY 11742-1300, USA
declareunder our sole responsibility that the product
Spectrum24,LA3021, Type II Radio Card
Spectrum24,LA302C, Type II Radio Card
Spectrum24,LA302T, TypeII Radio Card
towhich this declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standards and/or
othernormative documents.
ETS300 328 (November 1996)
ETS300 826 (November 1997)
EN60950: 1992 Incl Amdt 1-4, 11
Wehereby declare that all essential radio test suites have been carried out a nd that the above named products is in
conformityto al the essential requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Theconformity assessment procedure referred to in Article 10(5) and detailed in Annex IV of
Directive1999/5/EC has been followed with the involvement of the following Notified Body(ies):
BABT,ClaremontHouse, 34 Molesey Road, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 4RQ
Identificationmark: 0168 Theequipment will also carry the Class
2equipment identifier
Thetechnical documentation relevant to the above equipment can be made available for
inspectionon application to:
SymbolTechnologies EMEA, Symbol Place, Winnersh Triangle, Berkshire, RG 41 5TP,UK
Director,Regulatory and TechnicalSales
3,May 2000
(signatureof authorised person) (date)