SPT 1700 Series
We, SymbolTechnologies, Inc.
of OneSymbol Plaza, Holtsville, NY 11742-1300, USA
declareunder our sole responsibility that the product
Spectrum24HR,LA4111,Type II Radio Card
Spectrum24HR,LA411T,Type II Radio Card
towhich this declaration relates, is in conformity with thefollo wingstandards and/or
othernormative documents.
ETS300 328 (November 1996)
ETS300 826 (November 1997)
EN60950: 1992 Incl Amdt 1-4, 11
Wehereby declare that all essential radio test suites have been carried out a nd that the above named products is in
conformityto al the essential requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Theconformity assessment procedure referred to in Article 10(5) and detailed in Annex IV of
Directive1999/5/EC has been followed with the involvement of the following Notified Body(ies):
BABT,ClaremontHouse, 34 Molesey Road, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 4RQ
Identificationmark: 0168 Theequipment will also carry the Class
2equipment identifier
Thetechnical documentation relevant to the above equipment can be made available for
inspectionon application to:
SymbolTechnologies EMEA, Symbol Place, Winnersh Triangle, Berkshire, RG 41 5TP,UK
Director,Regulatory and TechnicalSales
3,May 2000
(signatureof authorised person) (date)