The sounder base is 1.1-inches deep. Electrical boxes must be 4-inches square by at least 112 inches deep - 218 inches is recommended.
Terminals 3 and 4 are used for the communication circuit.
Mount the B501BHT directly to an electrical box, using the mounting kit, supplied (see Figure 2).




3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174

Temporal Tone Sounder Base

1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495




Base Diameter:

6.0 inches (15.2 cm)


Base Height (less sensor):

2.3 inches (5.9 cm)



0.4 lb. (181 gm)


Operating Temperature Range:

32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C)

Operating Humidity Range:

10% to 93% Relative Humidity

Electrical Ratings



External Supply Voltage:

17 to 32 VDC


Standby Current:

1.0 mA maximum


Alarm Current:

15 mA maximum


Maximum Ripple Voltage:

10% of supply voltage


Start-up Capacitance:

200 µF


Communication/Initiating Loop Supply



Current Draw from Remote Output



of Sensor to turn on Horn:

700 µA maximum


Sound Output:

Greater than 90 dBA measured in anechoic room at 10 feet, 24 volts. 85 dBA minimum


measured in UL reverberant room.




Before Installing


NOTE: When not used as a supplementary evacuation system

Please read the System Smoke Detector Application Guide,

which provides detailed information on sensor spacing. place-

the external 24 VDC supply shall be treated as a component of

ment, zoning, wiring, and special applications. Copies of this

the main power supply system and shall fall under the require-

manual are available from System Sensor. NFPA 72 and NEMA

ments of the main power supply system per NFPA 72.

guidelines should be observed.


B501BHT Terminals




NOTICE: This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equipment.

IMPORTANT: The detector used with this base must be tested and maintained regularly following NFPA 72 requirements. The detector should be cleaned at least once a year.

General Description

The B501BHT sounder base is used with System Sensor 200 and 500 Series sensor heads. Refer to the appropriate manual for more information on sensors.

The B501BHT incorporates the distinctive three-pulse tempo- ral pattern fire alarm evacuation signal now required by NFPA 72 for commercial and residential applications.

No. Function

1External Supply Positive (+)

2External Supply Negative (–)

3Negative (–) Comm. Line In and Out

4Positive (+) Comm. Line In and Out

5Sounder Base Interconnect

The sounder base is intended for use with intelligent systems.


Refer to the panel manual for the maximum allowable num-

NOTE: A maximum space of 18 inch from the outside edge of

ber of units per loop. The sounder base requires an external

the electrical box to the inside edge of the drywall or ceiling

24VDC supply with reverse polarity capability or a relay mod-

tile is allowable.

ule configured to reverse the power as in Figure 5. The con-

Wiring Guidelines

nections for the external supply (terminals 1 and 2) and the

All wiring must be installed in compliance with the National

communication loop (terminals 3 and 4) are isolated to pre-

Electrical Code and the local codes having jurisdiction and

vent electrical interaction between them.

must not be of such length or wire size which would cause

When the sensor’s visible LEDs are latched on for approxi-

the base to operate outside of its published specifications. The

mately 10 seconds, the associated horn sounds. A loop of

conductors used to connect smoke sensors to control panels

horns can be made to sound by reversing the polarity of the

and accessory devices should be color coded to reduce the

external supply when configured as in Figure 4 and 5. When

likelihood of wiring errors. Improper connections can prevent

configured as in Figure 5, a loop of horns can also be made to

a system from responding properly in the event of a fire.

sound by turning on the Intelligent Relay Module.





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Image 1
System Sensor B501BHT specifications Electrical Ratings, No. Function