Sub-address is used to address different systems on the same ISDN line and is primarily used in
European Countries. LAN equivalent extension address or TCS-4 is used to address different
systems on a LAN, when dialing via a gateway.
To specify an ISDN sub-address or its LAN equivalent extension address (TCS-4), add a star (*)
after the number and then enter the sub-address/extension address.
12345678*10 ( <number>*<Sub-address/extension address/MCU password>)
When dialing IP via a gateway, the number behind the star (*) on IP might be interpreted as an
extension address.
When calling to external MCU’s requiring a password (TSC-1), this password can be added after
the star (*). If no password is specified, the user will be asked to enter the password (after
connecting to the MCU).