TT128x High Definition Professional Receiver/Decoder
Model Number Marketing Code Description
TT1282 Common
Interface TT1282/CIBAS MPEG-2 HD Decoder with
integrated Common Interface CAM
reader, AC mains voltage input.
MPEG 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 video
TT1282 Director
(-48 V version) TT1282/DIRBAS/48V MPEG-2 HD Decoder with
integrated Director Smartcard
Reader, -48 Vdc voltage input.
MPEG 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 video
TT1282 Common
(-48 V version)
TT1282/CIBAS/48V MPEG-2 HD Decoder with
integrated Common Interface CAM
reader, -48 Vdc voltage input.
MPEG 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 video
TT1282 Director TT1282/DIRBAS MPEG-2 HD Decoder with
integrated Director Smartcard
Reader, AC mains voltage input.
MPEG 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 video
1.2 Hardware and Software OptionsSee Table 1.2 and Table 1.3 for a list of hardware and software options
available for the IRDs.
Table 1.2: Hardware Options
Marketing Code D escription
TT1280/HWO/QPSK 2 input QPSK demodulator input card.
TT1280/HWO/G703 G.703 E3/DS3 input card.
TT1280/HWO/IP IP input card.
TT1280/HWO/HOM 4 input QPSK/8PSK/16QAM demodulator input card
Table 1.3: Software Options
Marketing Code D escription
TT1280/SWO/AC3 Dolby Digital deco de r.
TT1280/SWO/HSETHER High speed Ethernet data output (data piping).
TT1280/SWO/RAS RAS transport stream descrambling.
TT1280/SWO/RAS2 RAS 2 transport stream descrambling.
TT1280/SWO/DIR Director functionality.