Taking Weight & Body Fat Readings
After programming your personal data, you are now ready to take a reading.
1. Turn on the Power
When taking weight and body fat readings, use your toe to turn the unit on by tapping your Personal Key. Release the key within three seconds.
The unit will beep and your preset data will appear (Personal Key number, Adult/Athlete/Child, Female/Male and Height).
Note: Information will also appear within the Graph area. This is explained in the next section, Understanding the Graph Function.
2. Stepping on the Platform
Following the display of your preset data, the unit will beep again and display will show “0.0”.
Now step on the platform.
If you step on the platform before “0.0” appears, you will not obtain a reading. However, if you wait too long (30 seconds or more), the power may shut off automatically.
Stand erect on the platform. Be sure that the heel and ball of each foot are directly on top of the electrodes. Don’t worry if your feet appear to be too large for the
3. Your Results
Your weight will be displayed first (a beep will indicate that weight measurement has been taking). Continue to stand erect on the plat- form. Then a brief animation will appear while your body fat is determined. At the end of the animation, your body fat percentage will appear on the display screen.
| Adult |
| Male Female |
| |||||||||||
The bar graph counts down while the unit is calculating the body fat percentage. The unit emits a double beep to indicate that the result is displayed.
0.5 %
Now your body fat percentage and body weight results will be displayed alternately at
Note: Even if you step off the platform after all results are displayed, the alternating display of body fat percentage and body weight will be repeated for 20 seconds.
(see Understanding the Graph Function).
Getting Accurate Readings
To get the most accurate absolute values, readings should be taken without clothing and under consistent conditions of hydration. If you do not undress, always remove your socks or stockings, and be sure the soles of your feet are clean before stepping on the measuring platform. Stand erect on the platform.
It is best to take readings at the same time of day. Try to wait about three hours after rising, eating, or hard exercise before taking meas- urements. While readings taken under other conditions may not have the same absolute values, they are accurate for determining the percentage of change as long as the readings are taken in a consistent manner. To monitor progress, compare weight and body fat percentage taken under the same conditions over a period of time.
Note: An accurate reading will not be possible if the soles of your feet are not clean, if your knees are bent, or if you are in a sitting position.