Goal Weight Input
This feature enables you to program your goal weight.Press Setto activate
the scale for data input.The User Number -1-will flash on the first row
of the LCD display. Press Up/Down arrow key to select desired User number
(1 or 2) and press Setto confirm.The default Goal Weight will be displayed in
the second row of the LCD display and there will be a triangle icon pointing to
Goal Wt.Press the Up/ Down arrow keys to select your Goal W eight(press
and hold the arrow key to advance quicker). Once your Goal Weight is
reached, press Set. The target weight will flash to confirm that programming
is complete. Scale will turn off automatically.
Goal Weight Function
After inputting your Goal Weight, this procedure will enable you to determine
your Goal Differenceby tracking changes between your Goal Weightand your
Actual Weight. In addition, you will be able to recall your Previous Weight.
Start with scale off.Press any Arrow key until your User Number appears on
the display. Press Setto confirm your number on the display. 00.0will flash
3 times (Calibration Process).After 00.0 stops flashing, immediately step on
scale and wait for weight reading to appear.
Note: Errwill appear on the display if you stand on the scale while 00.0is
still flashing.
Errwill appear on the display if you do not stand on the scale within
10 seconds after 00.0 stops flashing.
Top line will display Actual Weight.Bottom line will display Goal Weight,
Previous Weightand Goal Difference.These 3 readings will flash every
3 seconds, a total of 2 times.
Note: ---will flash at the bottom line if there is no target weight input from
the selected User Number.
Weight Only Function
This procedure will enable you to determine
your weight alone.You will not see Goal
Weight, Previous Weightor Goal
Differencein this weight only function.
Gently push down the middle of the platform
with your foot and release the pressure to activate the scale.CALwill appear
on the display.When 00.0shows on the display, step on the scale (Fig.1).
Stand still while the display shows running 0000 for 3 seconds.The LCD will
display your weight (Fig.2). If you step off from the scale, the LCD will display
your weight for 5 seconds then the scale will automatically shut off.If you
remain on the scale, the LCD will display your weight for 10 seconds then
automatically shut off.
Goal WtPrevious
Goal Diff
Goal WtPrevious
Goal Diff
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