All heads and metal parts in the tape path must be
cleaned after every 6 hours of operation, or before
starting and after ending a recording session.
1. Open the cassette compartment.
2. Using a good head cleaning fluid and a cotton
swab, clean the heads and tape guides until the
swab comes off clean. Wipe off any excess cleaning
fluid with a dry swab.
Clean the pinch rollers at least once each day the deck
is used. Use a good rubber cleaner
1. Clean the pinch rollers with a cotton swab
moistened with rubber cleaner, until there is no
visible residue on the pinch rollers.
2. Using a clean cotton swab, wipe off all excess
rubber cleaner from the pinch rollers. Make certain
that there is no foreign matter remaining on the
pinch rollers.
After cleaning the pinch rollers, clean the capstan
shafts with a cotton swab moistened with head
cleaning fluid.
The degausser should be turned on at least 1 meter
(3ft) away from the unit and the unit must be OFF.
Slowly move in to the tape path. Move the degausser
slowly back and forth, touching lightly all metal parts
in the tape path. Slowly move it away again to at least
1 m (3 feet) from the recorder before turning if off.
Cleaning the Heads and Tape Guides
Cleaning the Pinch Rollers
Cleaning the Capstan Shafts
Degaussing the Tape Path
Care and Maintenance