Regardless of your familiarity or experience with firearms, generally don’t assume that you have no need to study this manual.
The safe handling of firearms requires specialized training, discipline and caution. Firearms, by their nature and intended function, are deadly instru- ments. Accidental death or serious injury can result if they are handled improperly or carelessly.
Firearms rarely cause accidents. Firearms accidents almost always are caused by a failure to obey the basic rules of gun safety. Unfortunately, experienced shooters are found to violate these rules as frequently as beginners. Thus the basics of safe firearms handling cannot be repeated too often. Read,
If you have any question about your knowledge or ability to use this or any other firearm with complete safety you should seek supervised instruction. Personalized instruction is often available from gun dealers, gun clubs, state hunter safety programs or police departments in the United States. If none of these sources is accessible, write to the National Rifle Association, Washington, D.C. 20036. THEY WILL ASSIST YOU.
A person with a gun in his possession has a
Remember: no gun can be made