1. Door
It hermetically seals the cylinder during the
working cycles. It can be easily removed for
cleaning purpose.
2. Safety grid – hopper cover
It allows the operator to charge the product
under safe conditions. The cover prevents
the batch to get in contact with dust.
3. Door locking handle
It hermetically seals the door, when the
lever is turned downwards. To open the
door, make sure that all product has been
delivered and that the machine is in STOP
position, then turn the lever upwards to
unlock the door and turn it outwards.
4. Consistency selector (only C119)
6-position consistency selector.
5. Pushbutton panel
It allows selecting the working programs.
6. Delivery door
It is used to deliver ice-cream and to run off
water while cleaning the cylinder. To unlock
it, turn it to the right.
7. Drip drawer
It allows collecting liquid leakage from the
cylinder stuffing box.
8. Electric box
9. Power/water supply inlet
10. Consistency selector (for C122 only)
Consistency selector with two positions