Never touch the machine with hands and tools during production or maintenance and
cleaning operations, without making sure that the machine is in STOP position, the master
switch is off and/or the multipolar plug disconnected.
TAYLOR declines any liability for accidents deriving from an improper use of the machine
due to the non-compliance with the above-mentioned recommendations.
The machine is provided with a plate and some pictograms, which together with the
present manual allow using the machine in safer conditions.
Machine data plate
The adhesive label located on the back of the
machine allows identifying the model and reports the
following indications:
Manufacturer’s name and address; Machine model
and version; Serial number; Rated electrical
characteristics; Type and weight of employed Freon;
Manufacturing year.
Points of application of lifting devices.
The following plate is placed on the four sides of the
frame lower part and shows the points where lifting
hooks shall be positioned in order to perform this
operation in safe conditions. By means of a cross
screw-driver unscrew the two side panels and then
position the lifting devices into the apposite points.
Make sure that they cannot accidentally come out
during lifting operations.
Maintenance allowed to qualified personnel only.
The following plate placed on the machine back
panel forbids extraordinary maintenance operations
and/or repairs delegating them to authorized people
only, whose address is indicated in the provided