SansAmp Tube Amplifier Emulators are engineered for direct recording and live performances.They
offer players and engineers the warm,natural,unprocessed sounds of a wide spectrum of tube ampli-
fiers --without altering the tonal personality of the instrument.
The original SansAmp pedal (SansAmp Classic) was conceived and developed by a guitarist who pos-
sesses the unusual combination of a trained ear and electronics expertise.The revolutionary F.E.T.
hybrid-based technology was designed in the true tradition of tube amplifiers in their totality--with a
pre-amp stage and an output stage. It incorporates the harmonics and sweet overdrive characteristics
unique to tube amplifiers --largely caused by what is referred to as “push-pull” symmetrical clipping.(A
single tube is physically incapable of accomplishing the same results.) SansAmp captures these charac-
teristics and uniquely does so even at low volume levels.
Voiced for full-range systems and available in various formats,SansAmp delivers consistent profession-
al quality sound studio to studio,club to club, arena to arena.One convenient unit gives you the most
coveted trademarked sounds and the flexibility to refine and redefine your own.Each SansAmp
responds and interacts with the dynamic as of your individual playing style,your individual musical style,
and your instrument’s individual tonality.All of these factors play an important role in the resulting
sound,m which will ultimately be yours alone.
THE CONCEPT OF SANSAMP GT2Tech 21’s proprietaryTube Amplifier Emulation Circuitry has been engineered into a new,high perform-
ance module.With this design, you can”architecturally” create your own rig in an instant.
Simple to operate,SansAmp GT2 gives you immediate access to your choice of amplifier, how you
would modify it,and which cabinet/mic placement is best for your purposes.On-board post-equaliza-
tion has been incorporated to give you optimum control.
Here,we’ve taken the best parts of the most-wanted tube amplifier set-ups and broken them down
into components.You can mix and match specific sound characteristics in intriguing ways that would
otherwise be physically improbable,probably impractical,and definitely not cost effective.
As your needs change and as your imagination flourishes,SansAmp GT2 gives you the freedom and
opportunity to explore,create, build and rebuild sound instantly.
SIGNAL LEVEL TO INPUTSignal level to the Input should be close to that of a standard electric guitar (approx -10dB/250mV).
Hotter signals can over-overdrive the Inputof SansAmp GT2, even in the cleanest settings.Should you
purposely or accidentally send a hot signal,it will not harm the unit.
GETTING STARTED IS WAY ENTIRELYTOO EASYGet your SansAmp GT2 up and running before reading the entire manual.However,by not reading the
manual,you’ll miss getting the most out of your new investment.
1. Plug your instrument into the Input.
2. Send the Output direct to tape,amp or mixer.
3. Decide which amp style you want to start with first and set allthree Character Switches
the top (California) for Mesa/Boogie®-style
the middle (British) for Marshall®-style
the bottom (Tweed) for Fender®-style
4. Set Knob Controls :
Lowand High 11 o’clock
Driveand Level 12 o’clock
5. Tweak as desired.
OVERVIEW OF CONTROLSInputto Output, the signal path travels from right to left .Begin building your rig with the Character
Switches .First choose the amplifier tonal character you want.Then the modification to suit your musical
preferences.Match it up with the best speaker cabinet/mic placement combination accordingly.The Knob
Controls fine tune the sound for use in any application,be it direct recording or live performances.
Each of the three positions affects multiple dimensions of the personality traits inherent to each amplifier
type.This switch is not a simple EQ change,nor does it just affect the gain structure.Each amplifier type has
its own tonality and its own input sensitivity.Each reacts differently to the dynamics of the player and to the
signal level of the instrument.
CALIFORNIA = Mesa/Boogie®-style
BRITISH = Marshall®-style
TWEED = Fender®-style
Influences the gain structure of the AMPstyle selected.
CLEAN :Gives you a stock tube amp ste-up.
HI GAIN : Gives you an extra gain stage, as if you were to install an
additional 12AX7 tube in the pre-amp stage.
HOT-WIRED : Produces a “spitty,tube-driven-past-the-brink texture.”*
*This descriptive quote is taken from Tom Mulhern’s review
of the SansAmp Classic pedal published in Guitar Player magazine.
Determines orientation and distance of mic placement in relation to the cabinet.Regardless of the position
of this switch,it is as if the cabinet is being miked in a “dead room” or isolation booth,without ambiance.
CLASSIC : Achieves a flat response associated with distant mic placement.Similar to a combo amp
loaded with original “blue frame” Jensen®-type speakers.This position increases mid-range content and
there’s greater definition of notes to cut through a cluttered mix.It is recommended for classic earlytube
amp sounds,and live applications,in particular.
CENTER :Has peaks and valleys associated with close miking.Similar to a 4x12 cabinet with
Celestion®-type speakers having a mic at the center of a cone.There is greater high mid-range content
and increased low end.It is recommended for achieving big,mega crunch,balls-to-the-wall results.
OFF-AXIS :Has peaks and valleys associated with close miking,except the mic is positioned at the
edge of a speaker cone.Similar to Center, but it produces a smoother,softer sound with less upper mid-
range content.When used in conjunction with the Hot-Wired MODposition,it will round off the tone.
Adjusts the overall amount of gain and overdrive.Similar to when the output section of a tube amp is being
These are active tone controls.Cut or boost from arrow indicators.This on-board post-EQ section gives
you full control at your fingertips.Boosting Lowand High compensates for the limited range of speaker cabi-
nets and combos.(See Universal Output.)
Hint:Set EQ at mixing board flat and adjust SansAmp GT2 to taste.If additional or more
complex EQ curves are desired,use equalization at console or an outboard unit.
Adjusts the output level without altering any of the tonal characteristics.
For recording applications ,we recommend setting at least halfway (12 o’clock).
For best results with an amplifier , the output level of SansAmp GT2 should be close or equal to the sig-
nal in bypass.Otherwise,it could overload the input of the amp and result in undesirable, ratty distortion.
(Don’t say we didn’t warn you!)