Another aspect of the technological advancement of SansAmp,is a single output that is physically com-
patible for any application.SansAmp’s Universal Output makes it possible to use the same output with
the following:
Tape Rack Systems
Studio Monitors Pre-Amps
P.A. Head &Cabinet
Stereo Combos
Practice Amps
OTHER INSTRUMENTS & APPLICATIONSBe creative! SansAmp GT2 is not just for guitar.Try other instruments:bass,keyboards,drums,sax,
vocals,etc.(Just remember to be aware of the input signal level as noted pr eviously.) Also try using
SansAmp GT2 in other applications,such as in mixdowns to liven up existing tracks.
For experimentation,start with a clean,flat setting:
•Set all 3 Character Switches at the bottom position.
•Set Knob Controls: Low and High at 11 o’clock
Drive and Level at 12 o’clock
Adjust EQ and gain structure to taste.
NOTEWORTHY NOTES & SUGGESTIONS1. SansAmp GT2 is an interactive tool.It will react differently to various signal levels,as well as your
individual touch.For instance, a hotter signal and a heavy hand will increase the gain structure and result
in more overdrive.A cooler signal and a light touch decreases gain structure for a cleaner sound.
2. SansAmp GT2 has a very low noise level.If you experience noise,be aware of the following:
-SansAmp GT2 may be amplifying noise emanating from the input source.
-Check for pickup interference by moving guitar or turning the volume off.NOTE:Single coil pic-
ups are much more likely to generate hum;and on-board active electronics have a tendency to
create hiss.
-As with the use of any tube amplifier or electronic device,particularly in high gain settings,you may
be getting outside interference caused by lights,transformers,etc.
-Be conscious of how the controls of SansAmp GT2 interact.They are atypically sensitive.You need
not set everything at max to get maximum results.
3. The Inputactivates the batter y.Don’t forget to unplug or you will waste your battery.The highly effi-
cient,low power consuming LED will fade as battery runs low (<6.5V).While SansAmp GT2 will contin-
ue to operate,we recommend replacing the battery at this time.
4. Buffered bypass ensures no high frequency signal loss through long cable lengths.
PLACEMENT ORDER OF OTHER EFFECTSPlace the following effects BEFORE SansAmp GT2:
Compression,Wah-wah,Envelope Filter
Place the following effects AFTER SansAmp GT2:
Chorus,Delay,EQ,Pitch Shifter,Reverb
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