50 8900NET Instruction Manual
Using the 8900NET GUI
a. Open a web browser on a PC that is connected over the network to
the Gecko 8900 frame.
b. Enter the URL of the frame where the module to be updated
resides. The frame’s main status page will appear.
c. Click on the module’s link and then click on Software Update (the
8900NET module link is shown in Figure 33).
The module’s Software Update page will appear. This form is the
same for all 8900 modules that support network software update.
Note Earlier 8900NET versions differ in the layout and number of entry fields. Non-
essential fields have been removed in the later release.
If the module does not support network software update, the page
will be blank except for the header and status information.
Figure 33. 8900NET Module Software Update Page
d. In the FTP Server Address field, enter the IP Address of the PC that
has the FTPD installed and running.
e. You can enter the Host Name of the PC that has the FTPD running
into the FTP Server Name field. This is an optional step and can be
f. Click on Apply to set the FTP Address.
The web page will refresh and the new FTP address should be dis-
played as the Current Settings.
g. In the File Path field, enter the file name of the software update file.
Select Software Update