This document is designed to provide basic information regarding printing
from an IBM AS/400 server running the OS400 operating system V5R1 and
higher to the Panasonic DP-2310, DP-3010, DP-3510, DP-3520, DP-4510, DP-
4520, DP-6010 and DP-6020 multi-functional devices. Since many volumes of
data exist on printing from an AS/400, it is intended that this document only
summarize the basics of printing specifically to these devices.
To better understand the AS/400 printing environment, there will be some new
terms and definitions you may or may not be familiar with. This document will
explain some of those as it progresses but will also provide these in an appendix
at the end. Some of these terms need to be defined first so let’s start with those
that cause the most head-scratching, the TLA’s (Three Letter Acronyms).
All of the command structures within the operating system can be broken down
to a TLA or an XTLA (eXtended Three Letter Acronym). When these TLA’s are
combined, they form a command that can be typed on the command line to
execute an internal program or menu. Some of these are:
CFG = Configure
CRT = Create
WRK = Work with
END = End or stop
STR = Start
GO = Go to a menu
Some of the various menus or programs also use TLA’s or XTLA’s:
STS = Status program
DEVD = Device Description program
WTR = Printer Writer program
And the devices that exist are also referenced in the same manner:
OUTQ = Output Queue
PTR = Printer
SPLF = Spooled Files
When you put these items together, you form a command structure. An example
would be:
CRTOUTQ = create and output queue
WRKSPLF= work with spooled files
WRKCFGSTS = Work with Configured Status’
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