The various illustrations are given simply to illustrate the features of Bodysignal and


Bodysignal glass and are not the strict reflection of reality.






6. Low battery indicator


1. Select sex male/female


2. Weight in kg

7. User memory number


3. Prompt invites you to step off the

8. Scroll left and right buttons



9. Confirmation button


4. Body fat kg

10. Button to cancel last entry or to

5. Position of body fat according to

delete the memory


customised limits

11. Electrodes









A new approach to weight

For better control over your weight and figure, it is important to know your body composition (water, muscle, bone and body fat).

Muscle and body fat, which form the greatest part of your weight, are essential to life, and must be distributed evenly. This distribution varies by sex, age and height. Having muscles enables physical activity, lifting objects, moving easily. The greater your muscle mass, the more energy it consumes and the better it can help you control your weight.

Body fat provides insulation, protection and energy storage. It is inert and stores the extra calories you have ingested if you eat more than your body burns.

Exercise helps to reduce body fat, whereas inactivity increases it.

In large quantities, body fat is dangerous to health (cardiovascular risk, cholesterol, etc.).

Losing weight permanently

As part of a diet, Bodysignal helps you control fat loss while ensuring the proper maintenance of your muscle mass. An inappropriate diet can lead to muscle wasting. However, muscles are what you need to consume energy.

If you lose muscle, you burn fewer calories and the body stores more fat. There is therefore no sustained loss of body fat without maintenance of muscle mass. Bodysignal lets you control your diet and keep your body in balance over time.


Preventing obesity in childhood

Bodysignal is an effective means of detecting weight problems, right from early childhood.

The growth period is the time in one's life when the parameters of the human body change the most, and it is often difficult to detect a problem. A tendency to obesity, however, can be treated more effectively it if is found early, thus preventing the child from suffering overweight in adulthood.

Bodysignal is designed to monitor body composition from as early as age 6.