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7 • If there is a problem
Waterdripsfromthe | Thechosentemperatureistoo | Positionthethermostatinthesteam |
holesinthesoleplate. | lowanddoesnotallowforthe | range(from••toMAX). |
| formationofsteam. |
| Youareusingsteamwhilethe | Waituntilthethermostatlightgoesout. |
| ironisnothotenough. |
| YouareusingtheShotof | Waitafewsecondsbetweeneachuseof |
| Steambuttontoooften. | thebutton. |
| Thesteamflowistoohigh | Reducethesteamflow |
| Youhavestoredtheironhori- | Seethesection"Storingyouriron". |
| zontally,withoutemptyingit |
| andwithoutsettingittoDRY |
Brownstreakscome | Youareusingchemicaldesca- | Donotaddanydescalingagentstothe |
throughtheholesin | lingagents. | waterinthewatertank. |
thesoleplateand | Youarenotusingtheright |
| |
stainthelinen. | typeofwater. | consultthesection"Whatwatertouse?" |
| Fabricfibreshaveaccumulated |
| |
| intheholesofthesoleplate | cleanthesoleplatewithadampsponge. |
| andareburning. | Vacuumtheholesofthesoleplatefrom |
| timetotime. |
| Yourlinenhasnotbeenrinsed | Makesurethatyourlaundryisrinsed |
| sufficientlyoryouhaveironed | sufficientlysoastoremoveanydeposits |
| anewgarmentbeforewashing | ofsoaporchemicalproductsonnew |
| it. | clothes. |
Thesoleplateisdirty | Yourareironingwithaninap- | Cleanthesoleplateasindicatedabove. |
orbrownandcan | propriatesetting(temperature | Selecttheappropriatesetting. |
stainthelinen. | toohigh). |
| Youareusingstarch. | Cleanthesoleplateasindicatedabove. |
| Alwaysspraystarchontothereverse |
| sideofthefabrictobeironed. |
Thereislittleorno | Thewatertankisempty. | Fillit. |
steam. |
| ||
| ||
| scale. |
| |
| Yourironhasbeenuseddryfor |
| |
| toolong. |
Thesoleplateisscrat- | Youhaveplacedyourironflat | Alwayssetyourirononitsheel. |
chedordamaged. | Donotironoverzipsandrivets. |
| |
| nedoverazip. |
Steamorwatercome | Thesteamcontrolisnotsetto | Checkthatthesteamcontrolissetto |
fromtheironasyou | theDRYposition. | the DRYposition. |
finishfillingthetank. | Youhavenotclosedthetank | Makesurethatthestopperisproperly |
| stopperproperly | closedandthatthearrowpointstothe |
| “closedpadlock”symbole |
Thespraydoesnot | Thereisnotenoughwaterin | Fillupthewatertank. |
spray | thewatertank. |
If you have any problem or queries, please contact our Customer Relations team first for expert | |||
help and advice : |
| ENG |
0845 602 1454 - UK / (01) 4610390 - Ireland
or consult our website - www.tefal.co.uk