Teka TR 620, TT 620, VR 622, VTN DC, TB 600 manual Przed pierwszym u¿yciem, Uwaga

Models: TT 620 VR 622 TR 620 TB 600 VTN DC

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dostarcza dok³adnych informacji dotycz¹cych instalacji, u¿ytkowania i pielêgnacji, a tak¿e szeregu wa¿nych wskazówek.

W razie koniecznoœci dokonania naprawy nale¿y powiadomiæ najbli¿szy punkt serwisowy.

U¿ywaæ wy³¹cznie oryginalnych czêœci zamiennych.

Naprawy dokonane przez osoby nieuprawnione mog¹ spowodowaæ uszkodzenie urz¹dzenia lub zak³óciæ jego eksploatacjê. W przypadku uszkodzenia urz¹dzenia nale¿y go niezw³ocznie wy³¹czyæ i zawiadomiæ serwis. W ¿adnym wypadku nie podejmowaæ samodzielnych prób naprawy.

Prace instalacyjne mog¹ byæ prowadzone wy³¹cznie przez uprawnione osoby zgodnie z niniejsz¹ instrukcj¹.

Podczas gotowania powierzchnia urz¹dzenia mo¿e osi¹gn¹æ bardzo wysok¹ temperaturê. Nale¿y przede wszystkim uwa¿aæ, aby dzieci nie dotyka³y jego powierzchni oraz nie przebywa³y w pobli¿u funkcjonuj¹cego lub jeszcze nie wystyg³ego urz¹dzenia.

Urz¹dzenie jest przeznaczone do u¿ytku domowego i do przygotowywania potraw; nie mo¿e byæ u¿ywane do innych celów

Instrukcjê przechowywaæ wraz z urz¹dzeniem. Zawarte w niej wskazówki i informacje zapewni¹ Pañstwu bezpieczne i bezawaryjne korzystanie z urz¹dzenia.


Przed pierwszym uruchomieniem nale¿y przestrzegaæ wskazówek doty- cz¹cych monta¿u i pod³¹czenia.





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i bezpoœrednio po, na p³ycie s¹ okreœlone






spowodowaæ oparzenia.



Prosimy o nie dopuszczanie dzieci do bliskiego kontaktu z p³yt¹.

Nie dopuszczaæ do napraw osób, które nie posiadaj¹ odpowiednich uprawnieñ.

Urz¹dzenie mo¿na u¿ywaæ wy³¹cznie w stanie zabudowanym w meble kuchenne.


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Teka TR 620, TT 620, VR 622, VTN DC, TB 600 manual Przed pierwszym u¿yciem, Uwaga

TT 620, VR 622, TR 620, TB 600, VTN DC specifications

Teka is a renowned brand in the kitchen appliance industry, known for its innovative and high-quality products. Among its diverse offerings, several models stand out for their advanced features and user-friendly characteristics: the VTN DC, TB 600, TR 620, VR 622, and TT 620. Each of these models is designed to enhance the cooking experience, making it more efficient and enjoyable.

The Teka VTN DC is a versatile kitchen appliance that combines multiple functions, allowing users to steam, grill, and bake all in one device. Its intelligent control panel simplifies the selection of cooking modes, while the efficient heating system ensures that food is cooked evenly. The VTN DC is also designed with energy efficiency in mind, providing significant savings on utility bills while maintaining excellent cooking performance.

Next is the Teka TB 600, an appliance known for its sleek design and exceptional baking capabilities. This oven features advanced convection technology, which distributes heat evenly throughout the cooking chamber, ensuring that every dish is cooked to perfection. Additionally, the TB 600 comes with a range of preset cooking programs, making it easy for users to choose the optimal settings for various types of meals. Its intuitive touchscreen interface adds to the user-friendly experience.

The Teka TR 620 is a powerful and stylish range that includes gas hobs and an electric oven, catering to the needs of diverse cooking styles. It features precise temperature control and multiple burner options, allowing for simultaneous cooking of multiple dishes. The TR 620 is also built with safety features, including flame failure devices, providing peace of mind for users during meal preparation.

For those who prioritize versatility, the Teka VR 622 is a standout product. This model offers a combination of a microwave and a convection oven, giving users the flexibility to cook quickly or with precision. With its multiple cooking modes and easy-to-clean interior, the VR 622 caters to busy lifestyles while maintaining high culinary standards.

Lastly, the Teka TT 620 is an induction cooktop that embodies modern cooking technology. It heats pots and pans directly, resulting in rapid cooking times and energy efficiency. The TT 620 comes with multiple cooking zones and power levels, enabling precise adjustments for different recipes. Its safety features, such as child lock and automatic shutdown, make it a secure choice for families.

In summary, Teka’s VTN DC, TB 600, TR 620, VR 622, and TT 620 models are designed with modern technologies and user-friendly characteristics, making them excellent choices for any kitchen. Their innovative features ensure a delightful cooking experience while adhering to contemporary efficiency standards.