Tektronix AWGArbitrary
Waveform Generators give the
most extensive capabilities for
editing waveforms, with 8 or 12
bits of vertical resolution and
waveform frequencies to
500 MHz. AWGs contain a high
speed, high resolution digital to
analog convertor with sophisti-
cated triggering and mode
settings, plus up to 4 megabytes
of internal memory in which to
create and edit waveforms.
You can import a waveform
from a scope or disk, select one
of the AWG’s standard wave-
forms, or define your own from
scratch. Using their powerful
editing tools, you can edit the
waveform right on the screen,
then clock it out at rates up to
For computer-controlled produc-
tion test applications demanding
high throughput, the AWG2021
is available in VXI format as the
VX4792. This uncompromised
signal source delivers the same
bandwidth and accuracy as the
AWG 2021, and its waveform
record formats are identical to
those of the benchtop unit. As
such, the VX4792 allows easy
movement of waveforms and
instructions from the design lab
to the production line.
Where the utmost signal purity
is required, the AFG2020
Arbitrary Function Generator
offers direct digital synthesized
waveforms with exceptionally
low distortion and high
frequency agility.
AWG 2000 Series Arbitrary Waveform GeneratorsAWG 2041 AWG 2021 AWG 2005
Clock Rate 1 GS/s 250 MS/s 20 MS/s
Max Output Waveform Frequency 500 MHz 125 MHz 10MHz
Region Shift Yes Yes Yes
Direct Waveform Transfer TDS, 2000 Series, 11000 Series, Same as AWG 2041 Same as AWG 2041
from DSOs DSA, RTD 700 Series, and others
External Clock Clock In & Out Same as AWG 2041 Same as AWG 2041
Graphical Waveform Editing Draws, Timing Table, Equation; Same as AWG 2041; Same as AWG 2041;
FFT (Opt. 09), Digital Word/Pattern TTL Digital Word Generator Digital Word/Pattern Generator option
Generator (Opt. 03) (Opt. 03) not available
Max P–P Amplitude into 50 Ω2 V 5 V 10V
Memory: Execution per Channel 1 MB; expandable to 4 MB (Opt. 01) 256 kB per channel 64kB per channel
Memory: Non-Volatile 512 kB 512 kB 512 kB
External Modulation AM AM AM
Output Channels 1 Analog & Complement; 1 Analog; 2 Analog;
8 ECL Digital (Opt. 03) 2 Analog (Opt. 02); 4 Analog (Opt. 02);
12 ECL Digital (Opt. 03); 24TTL Digital (Opt. 04);
24 TTL Digital (both Opt. 02 and 04)
Predefined Waveforms Synthesized, 10 MHz Synthesized, 2.5 MHz Synthesized, 2.5 MHz
Sweep Sequencer and Equation Editor Same as AWG 2041 Linear; Log; User-defined (Opt. 05)
used to create sweep
Time Base Accuracy 1 ppm 50 ppm 5 ppm
Vertical Resolution 8 bits 12 bits 12 bits
Built-In Floppy Drive Yes Yes Yes