The TDS744A represents the
next generation of digitizing
scope performance. This versa-
tile general-purpose instrument
introduces Tek’s new InstaVu™
acquisition feature and sets a
benchmark in waveform capture
rate for DSOs. The TDS744A
can display more than 400,000
acquisitions per second—a rate
2,500 times faster than the most
advanced DSOs available.
Other TDS744A features
include advanced triggering,
graphical user interface,
high-speed signal processing,
complementary probing, and
sophisticated documentation
With its long record length and
high bandwidth, the TDS744A
is an ideal complement to the
2000 Series AWGs for wireless
communications testing.
TDS 744A Digitizing OscilloscopeTDS 744A
Bandwidth 500 MHz
Input Channels 4
Sample Rate per Channel
1 channel 2 GS/s
2 channels 1 GS/s
3 or 4 channels 500 MS/s
Vertical Resolution 8 bits;
> 12 bits with Hi-Res;
11 bits with Averaging
Record Length 500 to 50,000 points per channel
Max. 500,000 points (optional)
DCGain Sensitivity ± 1.0%
Vertical Sensitivity 1 mV to 10 V/div;
50 Ω: 1 mV to 1 V/div
Automatic Measurements 25
Triggering System Edge, Pulse (Width, 1 ns Glitch, Runt, and Slew Rate),
Logic (Pattern, State, and Setup and Hold Time
Violation), HDTV Video (optional)
Special Features InstaVu, Dual Window Zoom, FFT, Differentiation,
Integration, Color Monitor, 31⁄2" Floppy Drive