Appendix A: Interfaces
K1297-G20 Monitor User Manual A-3
PC-4 Board / PC-5, 512 Board / PC-6 Board
The Intel-based PC boards are VME bus boards with a Celeron or Pentium
III system processor.
Depending on the display, the K1297 is equipped with either a PC-4 (for
NEC displays) or a PC-5 / PC-6 board (for Hyundai displays).
The VGA graphics card supports flat screen, external monitor, and dual
display mode.
The following interfaces are located on the front panels of the PC boards:
HUSB interface
HLPT interface
HEthernet, twisted pair connections (100BaseTx)
HVGA interface
HHeadphone sound port
HTwo PC-Card (PCMCIA) slots for type II
HStandard connections for peripherals (keyboard connections, parallel
and serial interfaces)
Table A1: Pin assignment for the USB interface
Pin Assignment Pin Assignment
15 V 3 USB_P0+
2 USB_P0- 4 Ground
In addition, the K1297 operates with a PC AT backplane. This bus system
offers the possibility to mount up to three ISA cards, such as an ISDN PC
card for remote control or even for other applications, such as a
multimedia card. The length of the additional cards is designed for two
thirds of AT card format.