Performance Verification
44 P6249 4 GHz 5X Active Probe Instruction Manual
Rise TimeThis procedure verifies that the probe meets rise time specifications.
The probe rise time is calculated from rise times obtained by
measuring the test system without the probe attached, and the test
system plus the probe.
1. Connect the test equipment as shown in Figure 13.
2. Set the oscilloscope trigger to internal clock.
3. Turn on channel 1 on the SD-24, and then set the oscilloscope
vertical scale to 50 mV/div.
4. Set the oscilloscope horizontal scale to 100 ps/div.
5. Adjust the oscilloscope horizontal and vertical position controls
to display a signal similar to that shown in Figure 13.
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Power supply Calibration
step generator
BNC to SMA adapter
Trigger Input
remote head
clock output
Precision coaxial cable
Figure 13: Test system rise time setup
6. Use the oscilloscope measurement capability to display rise time.
Rise time is determined from the 10% and 90% amplitude points
on the waveform. Record the rise time as ts.
The system rise time (ts) that you measured in step 6 represents the
rise time of the test system without the probe.