Waveform Math
TDS 620A, 640A & 644A User Manual 3Ć149


If your digitizing oscilloscope is equipped with Advanced DSP Math
(optional on TDS 620A &TDS 640A),the menuitem will be at
the same brightness ) * #$+ *#) Single Wfm Math $
Dual Wfm Math %*(- ) FFT - ""   ## See pages 3Ć36,
3Ć139, and 3Ć143 for information on FFTsand other advanced math
 ()) Average (side) $ $*(  ,"+ - * * $(" &+(&%) !$%
%( * !.& *% *! $ ,( % #+"* &" '+ ) * %$) ()) No
Extended Processing )  *% &(%(# #* %&(* %$) %$". %$ %$
'+ ) * %$
  ) ( *+($ %$ %( *+($ % #* ,( $ % *+($ %$ #* ,( $
&()) Average )  $ *+($ * $(" &+(&%) !$% %( +) *
!.& *% $*( * $+#( % * #) *% )+)) ,". ,( * #*
-,%(# %( %#&"* $ $ '+ ) * %$ ()) No Extended ProĆ
cessing )  *% *+($ % #* ,( $
 ()) Change Math waveform definition ) FFT   .%+( %) ""%/
)%& %$* $) ,$  * Single Wfm Math%(DualWfm
Math# $ *% "*( * &()$* #* -,%(#  $ * %$ )  /
 ) $" $ +" -,%(# %&(* %$) ( )(  )&(*". $
* %""%- $ *%& ) %( )( &* %$) % ,$  * ) F ast
Fourier Transforms %$ &/ Waveform Differentiation %$
&/ $ Waveform Integration %$ /
Single Wfm Math
 ()) MOREMath1Math2%(Math3# $Change Math
waveform definition ) Single Wfm Math# $ ()) Set
Function to )  *% )"* inv  $,(* intg   .%+( %) ""%)%& %$/
* $) ,$  * %( diff   .%+( %) ""%)%& %$* $) /
,$  * ,%(# $*(* %$  $* ) )(  %$
&/ $ -,%(#  ($* * %$   ) )(  %$
 % $ * )%+( -,%(# &()) Set Single Source to ) 
 $ .%+ ( (. *% &(%(# * +$* %$ &()) OK Create Math
Wfm ) 