Tracking mode #523/23 /0%2!4% ). 4!.$%- 9/5 -/6% both #523/23 !4 4(%
3!-% 4)-% 53).' 4(% '%.%2!, 0520/3% +./" /!$*534 4(% 3/,)$ #523/2
2%,!4)6% 4/ 4(% $!3(%$ #523/29/5 053( 4(% "544/. 4/ 3530%.$
#523/2 42!#+).' !.$ 53% 4(% '%.%2!, 0520/3% +./" 4/ -!+% 4(% !$*534=
-%.4 3%#/.$ 053( 4/'',%3 4(% #523/23 "!#+ 4/ 42!#+).'
/5 #!. 2%!$ -/2% $%4!),%$ ).&/2-!4)/. !"/54 (/7 4/ 53% #523/23 ). Cursor
Measurements, "%')..).' /. 0!'% =
2!4)#5,% -%!352%-%.43 02/6)$% 9/5 7)4( 15)#+ 6)35!, %34)-!4%3 /2 %8!-=
0,% 9/5 -)'(4 ,//+ !4 ! 7!6%&/2- !-0,)45$% !.$ 3!9 ;)4 )3 ! ,)44,% -/2% 4(!.
/5 #!. 0%2&/2- 3)-0,% -%!352%-%.43 "9 #/5.4).' 4(% .5-"%2 /& -!*/2
!.$ -)./2 '2!4)#5,% $)6)3)/.3 ).6/,6%$ !.$ -5,4)0,9).' "9 4(% 3#!,% &!#4/2
/2 %8!-0,% )& 9/5 #/5.4%$ &)6% -!*/2 6%24)#!, '2!4)#5,% $)6)3)/.3 "%47%%.
4(% -).)-5- !.$ -!8)-5- 6!,5%3 /& ! 7!6%&/2- !.$ +.%7 9/5 (!$ ! 3#!,%
&!#4/2 /& <-$)6)3)/. 4(%. 9/5 #/5,$ %!3),9 #!,#5,!4% 9/52 0%!+=4/=0%!+
$)6)3)/.3 ×<-$)6)3)/. <-
AUX 1 and AUX 2 (TDS 620A) can not be set to the volts per division
needed to match video graticules.
(%. 9/5 3%,%#4 4(% '2!4)#5,% 4(% 6/,43 0%2 $)6)3)/. /& !,, 3%,%#4%$
#(!..%,3 )3 3%4 4/ -$)6 -$)6 &/2 7(%2% 4(% $)6)3)/.3 !2%
4(/3% /& 4(% #/.6%.4)/.!, '2!4)#5,% ./4 4(% $)6)3)/.3 /& 4(% 6)$%/ '2!4)#5,%3
/2 4(% !#45!, '2)$ ,).%3 2%02%3%.4 !.$ &/2 4(% ,).%3 !2%
- !0!24
%% Appendix B: Algorithms /. 0!'% = &/2 $%4!),3 /. (/7 4(% $)')4):).'
/3#),,/3#/0% #!,#5,!4%3 %!#( !54/-!4)# -%!352%-%.4
%% Cursor Measurements /. 0!'% = &/2 -/2% ).&/2-!4)/. /. #523/2
%% Measurement System /. 0!'% = &/2 -/2% ).&/2-!4)/. /. !54/-!4)#
%% TutorialExample 3: Automated Measurements /. 0!'% = &/2 -/2%
).&/2-!4)/. /. !54/-!4)# -%!352%-%.43
%% Waveform Math /. 0!'% = &/2 53).' #523/23 4/ -%!352% -!4(