WFM 90 and WFM 91 Service Manual 1–3
The video output will drive a remote monitor or video switcher. The audio signal
is output through a mini-headphone stereo jack that outputs the mono input
signal to both stereo channels. The audio volume is fixed for each reference
level. The larger the displayed signal, the louder the volume.
Waveform Display Mode. The Waveform display mode provides a voltage-versus-
time display of the video signal with three standard sweep rates: 1H (5 ms/divi-
sion), 2H (10 ms/division), and 2F (two field). Each line-rate sweep can be
magnified X10 to the following sweep rates: 1H Mag (0.5 ms/division), and 2H
Mag (1 ms/division). The 2F sweep is magnified by approximately X20.
Vertical gain is fixed at X1 or X5, or is variable from 45% to 155% amplitude.
The gain setting tracks between the Waveform and Vector display modes. The
signal filters are Flat (no filter) and Luminance (low-pass filter). The Line Select
mode enables the selection of a single line of video for display.
Vector Display Mode. The Vector display mode presents an XY plot of the
demodulated chrominance phase and amplitude portion of the video signal. The
vector angle represents chrominance phase, and the distance from the center
represents chrominance amplitude. The vector display is useful when making
differential gain and phase measurements.
A full 360_ phase shifter and 75% and 100% color bar settings are provided.
Vector gain is fixed at X1 or X5, or is variable from 45% to 155% amplitude.
The gain setting tracks between the Waveform and Vector display modes. The
+V mode (PAL only) overlays the –V axis on the +V axis to check the PAL
system color encoders.
Picture Display Mode. The Picture display mode provides an unprocessed full
color display of the composite video signal. The NTSC Safe Action and Safe
Title areas, as well as the PAL Safe Area, can be highlighted. The vertical
interval portion of the signal can be viewed by vertically shifting the display.
Controls for adjusting the hue and color of the picture display are provided.
Audio Display Mode. The Audio display mode provides a voltage-versus-time
display of a single audio channel. The audio voltage is displayed on the vertical
scale with time on the horizontal scale at a two-field sweep rate.
Audio reference levels can be set to –10 dBu, 0 dBu, 4 dBu, or 8 dBu, with an
additional level available for microphone checks. The audio headroom reference
level can be set to –3 dB or +10 dB and is for audio signals below or above the
reference level, respectively.