
Side Panel


LED Indica o￿

Ejec B! on

Figure 2 "3: Side Panel

(21) Floppy Disk Drive

The floppy di￿k d￿i"e i￿ !￿ed fo￿ ￿ o￿ing "a￿io!￿ ype￿ of file￿.


File￿ can be loaded o￿ ￿a"ed f￿om/ o floppy di￿k !￿ing



LOAD/SAVE men!. When he di￿k d￿i"e i￿ in ope￿a ion, he


LED indica o￿ i￿ li . Remo"e a floppy di￿k by p￿e￿￿ing

he ejec


b! on.





Note. Never press the eject button to eject the floppy disk while the disk drive indicator light is lit, as the stored data may be corrupted and errors may result.

2 "8

AWG2021 User Manual