(25)CH1 AM IN Connector This cectr is used t eter a extera AM duati wavefr t CH1. With a ia iput ipedace f 10 kW,
the axiu vtage f the extera siga that ca be etered is ±5 V. At ±1 V iput, 100% duati is pssibe.
(26) CH2 SYNC OUT | The CH2 SYNC OUT cectr prvides a CH2 syc siga. |
Connector (Option 02) | The utput eve is 1.2 V r greater with a 50 W teriati. |
(27)CH2 MARKER 1 OUT The CH2 MARKER 1 OUT cectr prvides a user'specified
Connector (Option 02) | CH2 arker 1. The utput eve is 2.5 V with a 50 W |
| teriati. |
2 10 | AWG2021 User Manual |