Appendix F: Miscellaneous

Square Wave Window. The square wave window does not taper the time region data. The filter shape in the frequency region is sin(x)/x. The square wave window is appropriate for observing the frequency spectrum of non-repetitive signals. The square wave window is also used for observing frequency components near DC.

0 dB

3 dB Ba￿dwidth






Side L￿be


-13 dB


Wi￿d￿w Fu￿cti￿￿

Freq. Mag￿itude

Figure F￿8: Square Window and Frequency Characteristic

Hanning Window. The Hanning window is a function derived from the cos function. This window function has superior magnitude precision and leakage elimination characteristics.

0 dB

3 dB Ba￿dwidth





Side L￿be





-32 dB

Wi￿d￿w Fu￿cti￿￿

Freq. Mag￿itude

Figure F￿9: Hanning Window and Frequency Characteristic


AWG2021 User Manual