Appendix F: Miscellaneous

Blackman Window. The Blackman window suppresses the side lobe magnitudes in the frequency region lower than the hamming window does and suppresses leakage even farther. However, it has inferior frequency resolution.

0 dB

3 dB Ba￿dwidth









Side L￿be



-58 dB

Wi￿d￿w Fu￿cti￿￿

Freq. Mag￿itude

Figure F 12: Blackman Window and Frequency Characteristic

Triangle Wave Window. The triangle wave window is a convolution of two square windows half the width of the window. Therefore, the triangle wave window frequency spectrum is the product of the square wave windows.

0 dB

3 dB Ba￿dwidth









Side L￿be



-27 dB

Wi￿d￿w Fu￿cti￿￿

Freq. Mag￿itude

Figure F 13: Triangle Window and Frequency Characteristic

F 22

AWG2021 User Manual