Appendix F: Miscellaneous

Repackaging for Shipment

If this instrument is shipped by commercial transportation, use the original packaging material. Unpack the instrument carefully from the shipping container to save the carton and packaging material for this purpose.

If the original packaging is unfit for use or is not available, repackage the instrument as follows:

1.Obtain a corrugated cardboard shipping carton having inside dimensions at least six inches greater than the instrument dimensions and having a carton test strength of at least 275 pounds.

2.If the instrument is being shipped to a Tektronix Service Center for repair or calibration, attach a tag to the instrument showing the following: owner of the instrument (with address), the name of a person at your firm who may be contacted if additional information is needed, complete instrument type and serial number, and a description of the service required.

3.Wrap the instrument with polyethylene sheeting or equivalent to protect the outside finish and prevent entry of packing materials into the instrument.

4.Cushion the instrument on all sides by tightly packing dunnage or urethane foam between the carton and the instrument, allowing for three inches of padding on each side (including top and bottom).

5.Seal the carton with shipping tape or with an industrial stapler.

6.Mark the address of the Tektronix Service Center and your return address on the carton in one or more prominent locations.

AWG2021 User Manual
