Issue A Rev 2 108891 Telect, Inc.
Location and Space
DNI-1B mounts flush into both unequal flange and equal flange (EIA or
WECO) racks/bays—the 112-circuit version in 19" (48.3 cm) bays, the
128—circuit version in 23" (58.4 cm) bays. Rack configuration is limited
mainly by the number of cables a bay can accommodate. Telect recom-
mends a maximum of 22 DNI-1B panels per bay:
• Allows easy access for maintenance.
• Keeps the panels within reach.
• Provides enough room for cable routing.
Here are the DNI-3 space requirements:
Terminations Panels Total Cables
Cable Space
Needed per Side
of Bay (in.2)EIA Bay Spaces
128 112
1–64 1–56 1 8 2.48 2
65–128 57–112 2 16 4.96 4
129–192 113–168 3 24 7.44 6
193–256 169–224 4 32 9.92 8
257–320 225–280 5 40 12.40 10
321–384 281–336 6 48 14.88 12
385–448 337–392 7 56 17.36 14
449–512 393–448 8 64 19.84 16
513–576 449–504 9 72 22.32 18
577–640 505–560 10 80 24.80 20