2150EX Area Velocity Flow Module
Section 5 Maintenance
5.6.1 Hydrophobic Filter If the 2150EX is submerged, a hydrophobic filter prevents water
from entering the desiccant cartridge and reference line. Any
amount of water will plug the filter and it must be replaced so
that the reference line can be reliably ventilated. Drifting level
readings are often an indication that the hydrophobic filter may
be plugged.
To remove the hydrophobic filter, grasp the filter and pull it from
the desiccant cartridge collar. The filter is only held in place by
its friction fitting; rocking it back and forth while pulling may
help. Firmly press the replacement filter (P/N 60-2005-003) in
If the hydrophobic filter frequently requires replacement, con-
sider relocating the modules so that they are better protected.
5.6.2 Cleaning The 2150EX enclosure may be cleaned with mild detergent and
warm water. Before cleaning the module, make sure all pro-
tective connector caps are in place.
The cable and outer surfaces of the AV Sensor may also be
cleaned with mild detergent and warm water.
If the flow stream carries a great deal of debris, beware of organic
materials that may collect beneath the AV Sensor. This material
swells as it becomes saturated with water and may exert
pressure on the outer diaphragm. This can damage the trans-
ducer and permanently disable the AV Sensor. Keeping the ports
clean not only prevents damage, but assures you that the AV
Sensor will respond to the hydrostatic pressure above instead of
the pressure created by swollen material.
If the ports become blocked:
1. Remove the sensor from its mounting ring, plate, or carrier.
2. Scrape any accumulated solids off the exterior of the sen-
sor. Use a brush and flowing water.
3. Remove debris that has accumulated in the ports.
4. The outer diaphragm is behind the small round cover on
the bottom of the sensor. It should be visible through the
two small openings at the center of the cover. Gently flush
the cover and holes with water to remove debris.
Avoid using tools near the cover openings. The transducer is
extremely sensitive to pressure applied to its exposed surface.
Direct or indirect contact with the outer diaphragm may perma-
nently damage the AV Sensor.
FROM DWG 60-2005-003
diaphragm cover
with water.
No tools!
Gently flush