Teledyne API – T101 Operation Manual Operating Instructions
The most common instrument failures will be reported as a warning on the analyzer’s
front panel and through the COM ports. Section 9.1.1 explains how to use these messages
to troubleshoot problems. Table 4-3 lists the warning messages.
Table 4-3. List of Warning Messages
ANALOG CAL WARNING The instrument’s A/D circuitry or one of its analog outputs is not
BOX TEMP WARNING The temperature inside the T101 chassis is outside the specified
CANNOT DYN SPAN Remote span calibration failed while the dynamic span feature was
set to turned on
CANNOT DYN ZERO Remote zero calibration failed while the dynamic zero feature was
set to turned on
CONFIG INITIALIZED Configuration was reset to factory defaults or was erased.
CONV TEMP WARNING The temperature of the H2S SO2 catalytic converter is outside its
optimal operating range.
DARK CAL WARNING Dark offset above limit specified indicating that too much stray
light is present in the sample chamber.
DATA INITIALIZED DAS data storage was erased.
HVPS WARNING High voltage power supply for the PMT is outside of specified
IZS TEMP WARNING On units with IZS options installed: The permeation tube
temperature is outside of specified limits.
PMT DET WARNING PMT detector output outside of operational limits.
PMT TEMP WARNING PMT temperature is outside of specified limits.
RCELL TEMP WARNING Sample chamber temperature is outside of specified limits.
REAR BOARD NOT DET The CPU is unable to communicate with the motherboard.
RELAY BOARD WARN The firmware is unable to communicate with the relay board.
SAMPLE FLOW WARN The flow rate of the sample gas is outside the specified limits.
SAMPLE PRESS WARN Sample pressure outside of operational parameters.
SYSTEM RESET The computer was rebooted.
UV LAMP WARNING The UV lamp int ensity measured by the reference detector reading
too low or too high
07266B DCN6485