Figure 5.Correct and incorrect TERK XM5 locations on a fishing boat.
• As you plan the cable route,avoid running the cable through any component that may cause
excessive chafing.Doing so may erode the jacket and break signal continuity. Also, avoid
kinking,pinching, excessive bending, or twisting of the cable during a run.
• Do not trim the cable length.It is optimized for best signal reception. Coil and store any excess
cable behind the XM receiver.
Installing the TERK XM5 Marine Satellite Radio Antenna 1. At the chosen site,install the mounting bracket,as shown in figure 6 (on the next page).
2. Route the antenna cable through the (optional) antenna extension and out through the access
hole on the mounting bracket (see figure 6 on the next page).Firmly tighten the antenna to the
extension and then the extension to the bracket.If an antenna extension is not used, firmly
tighten the antenna directly to the bracket.
3. Route the antenna cable to the back of the XMreceiver using any or all of the following ways:
• Through existing access holes in the boat’s hull
• Along or behind interior walls below deck
• Through a cabin window opening
4. On the antenna cable’s end,insert the FAKRA SMB connector into the supplied plastic case,
as shown in figure 7 on page 9.Then lock it with the supplied clip.
5. When using an XM receiver that has dual-antenna inputs,install the splitter (mounting hardware
not supplied) near the back of the installed XM receiver.
NOTE:For convenience, fasten the splitter with a tie wrap to a nearby access hole (If available).
6. Connect the antenna cable to the input on the splitter.Then connect TER and SAT cables from it
to the XM receiver,as shown in figure 8 on page 9. If your receiver has a single antenna input,
do not use the splitter.Instead, plug the antenna cable directly to the XM receiver’s input.
Continued on next page...
XM5 Owner’s Manual
Installation 7
Clear Signals
Blocked Signals
20° Clearance
XM5 OM 4/8/03 09:56 AM Page 7