Index 107
n (number of observations) 63, 65
N (number of periods) 24
N (number of periods, TVM
worksheet) 22
Negative (–) indicator 3
Net future value (NFV) 41
Net present value (NPV) 41, 44
NEW (new value) 70, 71, 72
New value (NEW) 70, 71, 72
NFV (net future value) 41
NOM (nominal rate) 74
Nominal rate (NOM) 73, 74
NPV (net present value) 41, 44
Number of observations (n) 63, 65
Number of periods (#PD) 70, 71, 72
Number of periods (#PD), Percent
Change/Compound Interest
worksheet 70
Number of periods (N) 24
Number of periods (N), TVM
worksheet 22
Number separators format 4
OLD (old value) 70, 71, 72
Old value (OLD) 70, 71, 72
One coupon per year (1/Y) 52, 53, 55
One-variable statistics (1-V) 63, 65
Outflows 21, 25
Overview of calculator operation 1
P (unit price) 78, 79
P/Y (payments per year) 22, 24, 25
P1 (starting payment) 22, 24
P2 (ending payment) 22, 24
Par value 54
Parentheses 8, 10
Payback (PB) 41
Payment (PMT) 22, 23, 24
Payments per year (P/Y) 22, 24, 25
PB (payback) 41
Percent 8
Percent add-on 8
Percent change (%CH) 70, 71, 72
Percent Change/Compound Interest
worksheet 69
Percent discount 8
Percent ratio 8
Permutations 8, 10
PFT (profit) 78, 79
PMT (payment) 22, 23, 24
Population standard deviation of X
((x) 63, 65
Population standard deviation of Y
((y) 63
Power regression (PWR) 63, 65
Predicted X value (X') 63, 65, 67
Predicted Y value (Y') 63, 65, 67
Premium bond 54
Present value (PV) 22, 23, 24
PRI (bond price) 56
PRI (dollar price) 52, 54, 55
Principal paid (PRN) 22, 24
PRN (principal paid) 22, 24
computing accrued interest 55
computing basic loan interest 26
computing bond price 55
computing bond yield 55
computing breakeven 79
computing breakeven quantity
computing compound interest
computing cost-sell-markup 70
computing dates 75
computing internal rate of
return 45
computing net present value 45
computing percent change 70
computing profit margin 77
computing statistical results 67
computing X’ 67
computing Y’ 67
constants for various operations
converting interest 73
deleting cash flows 43
entering bond data 55
entering cash flows 43
entering data points 66