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1.4Controls and Key Parameters Setting
Jack (1) | Description | Factory Setting |
JP1 | If on, | Jumper on |
JP2 | Reserved for other ICs | Jumper (BATEN, GND) on |
JP3 | bq24351 GATDRV pin | Jumper off |
JP4 | bq2057C BAT pin connection to bq24351 | Jumper on |
JP5 | bq2057C VCC pin connection to bq24351 | Jumper on |
JP6 | bq2057C CC pin connection to bq24351 | Jumper on |
JP7 | If on, | Jumper off |
(1)Short JP1, JP4, JP5, and JP6, and disconnect JP7 to use onboard bq2057C as charger; to use external charger to control bq24351, disconnect JP1, JP4, JP5, and JP6 and short JP7.
1.5Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol | Description | MIN | TYP | MAX | Unit |
Supply voltage, VIN | Input voltage from ac adapter input | 4.5 | 5 | 26 | V |
Battery voltage, VBAT | Voltage applied at VBAT terminal of J4 | 0 | 5 | V | |
Supply current, IAC | Maximum input current from ac adapter input | 0 |
| 1.5 | A |
Charge current, Ichrg | Battery charge current | 0.05 | 0.56 | 1 | A |
Operating junction temperature range, TJ |
| 0 |
| 125 | °C |
2 Test Summary
This procedure details how to configure the evaluation board. On the test procedure, the following naming conventions are followed. See the schematic for details.
VXXX | External voltage supply name (VIN, VBAT, VOUT) |
LOADW | External load name (LOADR, LOADI) |
V(TPyyy) | Voltage at internal test point TPyyy. For example, V(TP1) means the voltage at |
| TP1. |
V(Jxx): | Voltage at jack terminal Jxx. |
V(TP(XXXXX)) | Voltage at test point XXXXX. For example, V(ACDET) means the voltage at the |
| test point which is marked as ACDET. |
V(XXX, YYY) | Voltage across points XXX and YYY. |
I(JXX(YYY)) | Current going out from the YYY terminal of jack XX. |
Jxx(BBB) | Terminal or pin BBB of jack xx |
Jxx ON | Internal jumper Jxx terminals are shorted |
Jxx OFF | Internal jumper Jxx terminals are open |
Jxx | Internal jumper Jxx adjacent terminals marked as YY are shorted |
Measure → A,B | Check specified parameters A, B. If measured values are not within specified |
| limits, the unit under test has failed. |
Observe → A,B | Observe if A, B occur. If they do not occur, the unit under test has failed. |
Assembly drawings show locations for jumpers, test points, and individual components.
2.2.1Power Supplies
Power supply 1 (PS 1): a power supply capable of supplying 15 V at 2 A is required.
SLUU455 | bq24351EVM for | 3 |
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