Activity 1

The Cookie Caper

Students learn about equivalent fractions by sharing their favorite cookies.

Number Sense

equivalent fractions

fractions to decimals


7cm (2¾ in.) poster board circles for cookies

copies of fractional circles (provided)

shapes of colored paper to represent chocolate chips, nuts, raisins etc. (optional)

glue or glue sticks scissors

markers or crayons TI-73


Before you begin, you or you and your students do the following:

For each student, cut a poster board circle with a diameter of 7cm (2¾ in.) to represent a cookie.

Cut out the fractional circles that are provided and paste one on the back of each poster board “cookie.” (Some students will have halves, some thirds, some fourths, etc.)

Cut shapes of colored paper for raisins, nuts, etc., and glue them to the front of the cookies, or have students draw their favorite ingredients on the front of their cookies.


Have students perform the steps unless otherwise indicated.

1.After designing the cookies, turn them over and cut into the assigned fractional parts pre-pasted on the back.

2.On a sheet of notebook paper, make a diagram of the cookie circle and the cuts made to make the assigned fractional parts.