User's Guide
SLVU364 – March 2010
This user’s guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the
| Contents |
1 | Introduction | 2 |
2 | Electrical Performance Specifications | 2 |
3 | TPS62056/67EVM Schematic | 3 |
4 | Connector and Test Point Descriptions | 4 |
5 | Test Configuration | 6 |
6 | TPS62065/67EVM Test Data | 8 |
7 | 12 | |
8 | Bill of Materials | 18 |
| List of Figures |
1 | TPS62065EVM Schematic | 3 |
2 | TPS62067EVM Schematic | 3 |
3 | Hardware Board Connection | 6 |
4 | TPS62065, TPS62067 Efficiency vs Load Current | 8 |
5 | TPS62065 Startup into | 8 |
6 | TPS62067 Startup into | 9 |
7 | TPS62067 Shutdown: No Load | 9 |
8 | TPS62065 Output Voltage Ripple (PFM Mode) | 10 |
9 | TPS62065 Output Voltage Ripple (PWM Mode) | 10 |
10 | TPS62065 Gain and Phase vs Frequency | 11 |
11 | TPS62065 Gain and Phase vs Frequency | 11 |
12 | TPS62065/67EVM Component Placement (Top View) | 13 |
13 | TPS62065/67EVM | 14 |
14 | TPS62065/67EVM Internal Layer 2 | 15 |
15 | TPS62065/67EVM Internal Layer 1 | 16 |
16 | TPS62065/67EVM | 17 |
| List of Tables |
1 | TPS62065/67EVM Performance Characteristics | 2 |
2 | TPS62065/67EVM Bill of Materials | 18 |
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