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Page 25
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Thermador WDC30 ?XA834, 34 2D8BB= BDB L*8A4A 4 0G8D 34 ECA4 0??0A48O ?DA 4B, AX6064B, +81/7/8 7K+? ? /7=, ?A5=3B, ?4=30=C

WDC30, WDC36 specifications

Thermador is synonymous with luxury and performance in the world of kitchen appliances, and the WDC36 and WDC30 Wine Reserve models are no exception. These expertly designed wine cabinets combine aesthetics with functionality to provide an exceptional storage experience for wine enthusiasts.

The WDC36 and WDC30 are both designed to hold a substantial number of wine bottles, accommodating various bottle sizes and styles, while ensuring optimal conditions for aging and preserving wine. The WDC36 can store up to 36 bottles, whereas the WDC30 holds up to 30 bottles, making them ideal for both casual collectors and serious connoisseurs.

One of the standout features of both models is their precise temperature control. The integrated cooling system allows for dual-zone temperature management, providing two distinct environments within the same unit. This feature is particularly beneficial for storing both red and white wines, which are best served at different temperatures. The upper zone can be set between 41-55°F, ideal for white wine, while the lower zone can be adjusted between 55-65°F for red wine.

Thermador wine reserves also focus on protecting your collection from harmful UV rays and vibration. The glass doors are equipped with a low-emissivity (Low-E) coating that blocks out harmful light, preserving the wine’s integrity. Additionally, the wine cabinets feature a vibration-dampening system to ensure that corks remain intact and wine remains undisturbed.

The sleek design of the WDC36 and WDC30 complements any kitchen or dining area, incorporating elegant wooden shelves that are both sturdy and adjustable. The interior LED lighting beautifully showcases your collection without adding heat, and intuitive controls allow for easy adjustments to settings.

Another noteworthy aspect is the advanced air circulation system that maintains proper humidity levels within the cabinets. This environment is crucial for preventing corks from drying out, thereby ensuring that air does not seep into the bottle.

In conclusion, the Thermador WDC36 and WDC30 Wine Reserves epitomize sophistication and high-quality engineering. With features such as precise temperature control, dual-zone capabilities, sophisticated UV protection, and elegant design, these wine cabinets are perfect for anyone serious about wine storage. Embrace the luxury of preserving your wine collection in style with Thermador.