Toughpower 700W / 800W TM
Toughpower 700W / 800W
1. Do no t unplu g the AC powe r cord when t he powe r suppl y is i n
use. Doi ng so m ay cau se dama ge to y our co mponent s.
2. Do no t place the p ower su pply in a hig h humid ity and /or
temperat ure env ironme nt.
3. High voltage s exis t in th e power suppl y. Do n ot open the
power su pply ca se unl ess you are an autho rized s ervice
technici an or e lectri cian. D oing so will void th e warra nty.
4. PSU s hould b e powe red by the sou rce in dicated on the ratin g
5. All w arrante es and guaran tees wi ll be voided, if fai lure t o
comply w ith any of th e warni ngs and cauti ons cov ered in this
1. Warnings and Cauti on 2. Com ponents Chec k
01 02
Toughpower 80Plus (Si lver)
/ power supp ly unit 700W 800W
User manual
AC power cor d
Mounti ng screw x 4
Sili cone ru bber mo untin g
gaske t x 1
Cabl e strap x 4