From the front of the unit, hold the bracket in your left hand near the B/Slave drive (being careful not to touch the circuit board of the drive) and use your right hand to guide the bracket tab (located near the edge of the A drive) into the metal bracket base where the old drive bracket had been mounted. You should be able to gently lower the bracket into place with your left hand. You can gently move the white cable near the fan toward the power supply to keep it from obstructing airflow under the fan.

Once the bracket is down, connect the gray end of the IDE cable into the B/Slave drive. Make sure to line up the IDE connector so that the notch in the cable is facing up. Then, insert the black end of the IDE cable into the A/Master/Factory drive. With the fan connected, this is a tight fit. To insert the cable, start with the pins

closer to the front of the TiVo, then rock the cable into the IDE port

on the A drive. By rocking the cable in this way, you will be able toFigure 15 (above) Front/top view install the cable without hitting the side of the fan. Be sure that the

cable is fully inserted and that the notch is facing up. See Figure 15.

Next, connect the open end of the power splitter to the TiVo’s power connector. You can then tuck the cables under the front lip of the TiVo—but be careful not to dislodge the white panel ribbon cable. See Figure 16.

Figure 16 (above) Front/top view

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