Setting the Date and Time automatically via Internet:
From the Main Screen
• Select My Oven drop down
• Select Preferences
• Select Set Date & Time
• Select Time tab
• Toggle the USE INTERNET TIME button to “on”
• Select the Time Zone tab
• Use the arrow keys to select the desired time zone
Note: Selecting a time zone is required in order for Daylight Savings
Time to be accurately calculated
• Toggle the Daylight Savings Time button to “on” or “off”
• Select OK to save the settings and return to the Main Screen, or
Cancel to discard the settings and return to the Main Screen
Note: If power to oven is off for more than 3 days, the clock will need
to be reset
Setting the Date and Time Manually:
• Select Time tab
• Toggle the USE INTERNET TIME button to “off”
• Using the key pad, set the desired time
• Toggle the am/pm button to desired selection
• Select OK to save settings and return to the Main Screen, Cancel to
discard settings and return to the Main Screen, or select the Date tab
to set the Date
• Using the key pad, set the desired date
• Select OK to save settings and return to the Main Screen, Cancel to
discard settings and return to the Main Screen, or select the Time
Zone tab to set the Time Zone
• Toggle the Daylight Savings Time button to “on” or “off”
• Use the arrow keys to select the desired Time Zone
Note: Selecting a Time Zone is required in order for Daylight Savings
Time to be accurately calculated
• Select OK to save the settings and return to the Main Screen, or
Cancel to discard the settings and return to the Main Screen
Set Date & TimeThe Set Date & Time feature sets the oven clock. Two time modes are available by setting the USE INTERNET
TIME button. The user can manually set the oven clock by setting the USE INTERNET TIME button to “off”.
Alternately, the user can have the oven clock set automatically via the Internet by setting the USE INTERNET
TIME button to “on” and selecting a time zone as described below.