1 SpeedTouch™570 Installation
3EC17766 BAAA TCZZA Ed. 01 15
1.3.1 First-time Wireless Client ConnectivityInitial SpeedTouch™570
wireless configuration
When the SpeedTouch™570 leaves the factory and after every Push-to-Defaults, the
SpeedTouch™570 wireless configuration returns to its initial default settings.
These settings are as follows:
•The SSID is as printed on the identification label located on the bottom of your
SpeedTouch™570 .
•The DSSS radio channel number is set to “automatic”.
•The 'Registration' button is activated.
•The Access Control List is empty and locked.
•WEP encryption is disabled.
Preconditions for a
successful first-time
WLAN client
Make sure that:
•The SpeedTouch™570 is powered on and ready for service.
•The SpeedTouch™570 is in its default configuration.
If needed, perform a push-to-defaults via its default button.
•The WLAN client adapter is installed on your computer.
By default the WLAN client adapter’s IP configuration is set to dynamically obtain
its IP configuration (DHCP).
•The WLAN client is correctly configured for the default SpeedTouch™570 SSID,
hence associated to the SpeedTouch™570 WLAN. Depending on your WLAN
client a wireless icon may become green or a message similar to the following may
pop up: “Successfully joined Wireless network SpeedTouch012345".
Note Some WLAN clients do not automatically join a WLAN. If so, follow the
instructions for the WLAN client software to initiate the association.
Registering the first
WLAN client
Proceed as follows:
Step Action
1Make sure that all preconditions mentioned above are met.
2Push the red Registration button on the SpeedTouch™570 back panel.
3Make sure the WLAN client is correctly associated again to the Speed-
Touch™570 WLAN. Depending on your WLAN client adapter a wireless icon
may become green or a message similar to the following may pop up:
“Successfully joined Wireless network SpeedTouch012345".
Note Some WLAN clients do not automatically join a WLAN. If so,
follow the instructions for the WLAN client software to initiate
the association.
4As a result the WLAN client is associated to the default SpeedTouch™570
Wireless environment and registered to the Access Control List.